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Home » Microsoft Paint on Windows 11 is getting dark mode

Microsoft Paint on Windows 11 is getting dark mode

MS Paint recently got a new design on Windows Insider channels and will support Dark Mode in future updates to Windows 11. This is Microsoft’s latest attempt to create a native desktop app using Fluent and Mica Effects for the redesign of Windows 11. Microsoft Paint on Windows 11.

In September, Microsoft began testing redesigned paint with users on the Dave Channel. The new paint is a modern adoption of the classic. Windows paint and it is apparently based on the old codebase. It has not completely migrated to the UWP platform, so the overall experience is going to be familiar.

Microsoft Paint on Windows 11 is getting a dark mode

Some of the design features of the new Paint app include rounded corners. New dialog for brush, color picker and it supports Mica. For those who don’t know, Mica is a performance-friendly component. That applies desktop backgrounds to Windows 11 apps like Paint, Media Player and more.

Microsoft Paint

As you can see in the screenshots above, the dark mode of paint will be similar. To the mode teased by Panos Panay on Twitter. Dark new simplified toolbar, round color palette. Drop-down menus, brush-like menus, color pickers, or popups that allow you to resize strokes.

We don’t know when the Iconic Paint app will officially get into production. Or the long-awaited Dark Mode on the beta channel. Microsoft is experimenting with Dark Mode internally and it will not be the final design.

Microsoft Paint Dark Mood

In addition to Dark Mode, Paint’s Windows 11 app is expected to receive a new “Edit Color, Resize and Squeeze” dialog. The dialogs are based on the WinUI principle and are well-suited to the rest of the operating system. Similarly, there is a new feature that allows you to shift-click. A color swatch of paint to add color to the secondary color box.

Microsoft is also testing solutions to problems with the Paint app. For example, a bug where text boxes will be removed unexpectedly was recently fixed in the app.

As always, insiders will be able to beta test this updated Paint app with Dark Mode in early 2022. And it will reach everyone else in the regular version in a few months.

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